Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New pots! So much fun to see what's turned out!

Preparing for the Rolando Street Fair, I've been hustling to finish and fire pots. So I've suddenly got all these new pieces. Like opening presents, the full range from wonderful to, ew, how did it do that? Here are some goodies, just for the pleasure of sharing my pleasure.

The red/purple cups are high fired, cone 10, one of my favorite glazes. The brown one is an experiment, cone 5, a temperature range I am just learning about.

Some more favorite glazes, cone 10.

Surprises, always. The yellow bowls were made with the same clay, same glaze, same firing. The lighter ones were on the top shelf of the kiln, the darker ones on the half shelf below. What makes the difference, anyway?

Pottery is one of those big subjects. There will always be more to learn. Hurray!